Studio Policies
For all classes:
NO T-SHIRTS, BIKER SHORTS, SWIM-WEAR, PAJAMA BOTTOMS OR DISTRACTING JEWELRY ARE ALLOWED. NO GUM CHEWING IS PERMITTED. NO TOYS, FOOD OR BEVERAGE ARE ALLOWED INTO THE CLASSROOM. Hair must be secured up off the face and neck. Hair must be in a bun for all ballet classes. Specific dance shoes, style and color are required. Please check with the studio prior to purchasing dance shoes. Please label all dance shoes with dancer’s name. Specific tights will be required for dancers at recital time and must be ordered through the studio in order to create uniformity. The studio also has a variety of fun dance attire for purchase from the front office!
Class Observation
Tiny Tots & Creative Movement & Kinderdance classes may be viewed through our viewing window on the first lesson of every month up until Christmas break. Recital routines will be learned after this point and we would like to keep it a surprise! No visitors will be allowed into the classroom at any time unless directed by the Teacher.
Make-up Lessons
In order to be eligible for make-up lessons, you must notify the studio prior to your absence. We will inform you of a comparable class in which to dance. There will be no refunds
for missed classes. Make-ups are not permitted after Christmas break due to recital routines being choreographed.
Dance Competition Team
Dancers who wish to pursue their training to the competitive level may join our intensive study program. Consideration is made by teacher recommendation. Specific technical and performance requirements must be achieved. Dance Team Auditions are held in May each year.
Class Cancellations
In the event of inclement weather, we will be following The Carver Public School System. Cancellation information will also be announced on our FB page and/or emailed to each class.
Holidays and School Vacations
The studio will be closed for the following scheduled school vacations: Christmas, February and April. We do not close for teacher professional days. A list of dates when the studio is closed throughout the year will be provided.
Class Placement
Through the first few months we will be keeping a close eye on dancers to be sure they are in the class that best benefits their ability level. Students will be grouped into classes according to their ability level.
The studio will host annual performance at the close of the dance year in May at The Carver High School. All students will receive the opportunity to perform and show family and friends how hard they have worked. This is a fun and exciting event with beautiful and always tasteful costumes! Any student who chooses not to be in the recital, must inform the studio by the 1st of November. The studio will also inform parents with more detailed information as the recital approaches. Tuition and costume balances must be paid in full in order to participate in the recital.
Students must make every effort to attend scheduled classes. Students need to arrive to dance class on time and ready to dance. Continued tardiness/absences will result in dismissal from class. It is of the utmost importance that students attend class during recital time, (January - May) when choreography relies on the entire class. In the event of excessive absences, the studio will need to have a conference with parents and dancers may be excluded from the recital, no refunds on costumes. Students must not leave class anytime unless excused by the instructor.
A positive and supportive attitude is expected from all students and their parents. Dancers with consistent discipline problems or that are disruptive in class can not be tolerated.